Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Word of the Day
My favorite show right now is a pseudo-political news broadcast/interview similar to the Daily Show called the Colbert Report. Stephen Colbert plays conservative newsman who was formerly a senior correspondent on the Daily Show. He always stays in character and can be a very arrogant man but funny at the same time. He always has a guest on at the end of the show but unlike most shows where the guest comes to the host Colbert mockingly runs to a side stage where he meets the guest and is treated like the guest with admiration and respect. My favorite part of the show is the Word of the Day. Sometimes it is more than one word and at other times can be a fake compilation of more than one. Stephen describes a story based around the Word of the Day and a computer generated sidescreen displays often opposital(just made my own word of the day up) humor than totally disagrees with what he might be saying. I know I can always get a laugh from that man who is full of it.
Clinton's Agenda

Hilary Clinton has always seem to care about the American people to some degree when developing her health care program during her husband's terms as President even though it failed. The New York Times recently reported that she plans to have an extensive program more than any other candidate for helping the fight on AIDS/HIV. It doesn't come as much of a surprise to me that she outduels other candidates such as Obama and Edwards. She is a calm, calculated killer with ice in her veins whose a seasoned veteran. It's my guess even though a year away from the Presidential Election that she will be the first woman president ever. I have a feeling she would actually follow through with this proposal or atleast try while most politicians only talk she wants to make history. She plans to" 'significantly reducing the number of new infections' and would set measurable goals and time lines for increasing prevention efforts and expanding access to treatment." Hopefully she'll come through.

Huffington Post

When I was searching for a feminist blog to comment about, I was expecting an ultra liberal wacko feminist blog that despised men and mocked their every move. I was actually agreeing with some of the viewpoints for a while but then it made me think. The post described the dangers of females getting really wasted and then posting the pictures on a website such as facebook. Their future employers may disqualify them from a job if they ever saw some of those drunk night pictures while if a man had some of the pictures he wouldn't be tarnished since he would probably drink with that employer. I disagree on the second point since men and women could be disqualified based on those pictures and it is not a gender thing. My friend has actually deleted all his drunk photos off facebook. She contends that woman must get rid of these pictures or call it a night earlier though if both of her premises were true one that men can afford these pictures and that men and woman are on the same playing field then her post would be redundant and wouldn't make sense. Yet women are not on the same playing field just yet and smart women like this one who are not wacko ultra feminists are helping get woman closer to where they want to be.
Tipping Point


6:30 News

Fox News vs. CNN

Daily News

Hannity and Colmes

Two Heinekens
One of the first days in the semester my brother came up to my dorm and we started doing yaegerbombs. After we did two he started cracking up and told me he had to show me something. We went on the computer and probably watched the funniest video ever on youtube. It's great because it mocks guidos down to a tee. Shows how they're really a joke even though they think their so tough. Unfortunately my roommate abused and used the video and it became boring but now that I watched it again I found humor and it still rings true to the same truths.


Class Critique

I read one of my classmates blog on Presidential candidate Mitt Romney and how he should not be penalized for his religion. I agree with her on that. He is an excellent leader and has remarkable credentials on his resume. Some of them are absolutely astoundin and have much merit. Yet I disagree with her that Mormonism is the new Catholic. I'm sorry Rebecca, in Moving Off but that is not the case. Catholics and Prostestants have found similar ground on many issues and to be honest one of them is deep theological errors with Mormonism. If Mormonism was the new Catholicism Mitt's dad, George, would of had an easier time winning the 1968 Presidential Election especially since it was after JFK, your Catholic comparison. This country is not quite ready for a Mormon President even if he is as qualified as Mitt Romney
Girls Next Door?

Look at those babes. Recently, I watched the reality television show, "The Girls Next Door" and was appalled. Yes they are beautiful but man does bimbo and dumb blond every hold a meaning. I cannot figure out for the life of me if they're actually stupid or they do it for the camera. Ohh wait, it's clearly the former. It must be hard to think, walk, talk and in their case look beautiful all at once. It was a Christmas special or should I say tis was a Christmas special that had the three girlfriends of Playboy creator Hugh Hefner. They had to reminisce about old times with the family and talk about what they were doing currently. Apparently it was hard for one to remember what she did for the last twenty some odd years of her life at Christmas. Another one who was more intelligent talked about how she woke up on Christmas and opened gifts then would listen to Mariah Carey.
I'm glad I grew up in a family that listened to Bing Crosby over Mariah. No offense but her Christmas album doesn't warm the cockles of my heart. Unfortunately, this show is having a large impact on girls today. Girls assume its ok to show large amounts of cleavage since the playboy girls do it. Why not act ditzy because who cares about getting a real job one day. It doesn't matter if I can't like articulate like myself and say like about one hundred times per hour. It's just ashame and most role models are getting worse and worse for females and to be honest as a guy I just don't like it. Maybe I should walk around in a bikini one day. That will turn some heads.
Wooley Mammouth Lies

Far cry from the truth. I have a funny feeling in my stomach that it was not his intention to tell the truth. Thankfully, there is a group that checks the statements made by politicians to inform the public or those who want to know the validity of their statements. Mayor Rudy also claims that he increased the police force from 28,000 to 40,000. That is very impressive.....except for the fact that he merged the Port Authority and that accounted for 7,000 officer increase. I guess that's a good job of a politician to not make distinctions like that. The problem is America really doesn't want to know. Only a certain few are concerned and when the others find out the lies some politicians told adversely affected their lives they often become angry but rarely does it provide a change. There is a great sheep's wool pulled over America's eyes and ears.