When I was searching for a feminist blog to comment about, I was expecting an ultra liberal wacko feminist blog that despised men and mocked their every move. I was actually agreeing with some of the viewpoints for a while but then it made me think. The post described the dangers of females getting really wasted and then posting the pictures on a website such as facebook. Their future employers may disqualify them from a job if they ever saw some of those drunk night pictures while if a man had some of the pictures he wouldn't be tarnished since he would probably drink with that employer. I disagree on the second point since men and women could be disqualified based on those pictures and it is not a gender thing. My friend has actually deleted all his drunk photos off facebook. She contends that woman must get rid of these pictures or call it a night earlier though if both of her premises were true one that men can afford these pictures and that men and woman are on the same playing field then her post would be redundant and wouldn't make sense. Yet women are not on the same playing field just yet and smart women like this one who are not wacko ultra feminists are helping get woman closer to where they want to be.
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